Thursday, September 2, 2010

Three Weeks In

Can you believe it? I have almost been in South Korea for three weeks. Three weeks seem to have already flown by! I talked to my parents today and they said it feels like I have been gone longer. It must be because I have been on the move between my apartment, shopping, and teaching!
I have taught 7 classes this week and have one more today from 4-7pm. Having a half day on Friday will be really nice because I can start my weekend early. My friend Racheal has a half day as well. Having a half day is also great because I can eat a regular dinner. I have been eating my lunch or a snack at like 4:00pm but I am starving by 10pm. Once I have been teaching and getting into a schedule I don't think I will be as hungry. At 10pm a lot of the instructors go out to a restaurant and get food and drinks:) I went to a good Chinese restaurant the other day with some people- delicious!
I enjoy hearing stories about the instructors students and what problems they had! I get to share my stories too. I had to ask a girl three times to stop eating in class. She kept eating and crunching her food and it was bothering me! I also set some rules at the beginning of class telling them I didn't want them eating in class, going to the bathroom every five minutes, or having cell phones out. After the third time she got the idea.
Teaching is a great time but exhausting! My feet have my hurting because I am standing for six hours and constantly walking around the room. The kids for the most part are well behaved, but you know kids will be kids. I also have to give them the benefit of the doubt because they sat in school for seven hours before they come to see me. I tell them they are lucky to be learning a second language because I never learned a second language as well as they are.
The 4th graders I had yesterday could carry on a full conversation with me and understand almost everything I was saying. How cool, right? After two hours of learning a skill and doing readings for the scheduled lesson we do a project called the critical thinking project for the last hour. This is where the kids get to be creative and create their own thing. I had the upper level create anti-smoking ads and the younger group create a new South Korean national flag. It was a blast! Laughing and joking with the kids while doing these projects are what makes my day.
Seeing a simple smile reminds me of what I am doing in South Korea.
Having my own class is crazy to me!! Ahhh I love it!! Maybe this is what I want to do when I come back to the states? Not sure yet, but I do know I like teaching.
Wow it is already labor day weekend? Long weekend for you all:) Enjoy!!!

xoxo Kristen

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