Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mean teacher?

I couldn't think of a title. Although I am beginning to think I am a little bit of a mean teacher. Some of the kids in my class constantly talk! If they keep it up, I move them. I have a feeling some of the elementary kids like me, but the older ones are probably saying "I am so over being told what to do." I like trying to figure out what the kids are thinking in their heads.

Yesterday I had a meeting with my group leader. There are about five or six group leaders at my school and they are assigned to about eight or so instructors. Group leaders are there to help you with problems and just someone to talk to when you want feedback. I knew she was the one watching my "CCTV" (the tv in the classroom) Sasha (my group leaders name) told me I was doing a good job, but there were small things to adjust as far as not leaning on the desk, walking around more during tests and that kind of thing. Providing more examples of the topic, main idea, and supporting details when introducing a skill theory was also another thing I need to work on. Specifically Korean examples. She also told me that it takes time to get your style down and just reinforce the rules to the kids early on so they won't take advantage of you and break the rules.

I also had a class last week that had about eight students. Yesterday I print out the attendance sheet and I had fourteen kids in the class! Two of the girls that were now in my class transferred out of my friend Brandon's class. Brandon told me to watch out for them because they constantly talk and put on makeup during class. They were extremely loud and talkative yesterday. I was like ughh now I have these girls that think they are so cool and can talk during my class. Not happening.
The first thing they did that bothered me was coming back from the five minute break late. They came back three minutes late and then started talking and having a normal conversation in Korean. I turned around and just starred at them. You can't be late and then think you can have a conversation in your English class. The next eleven weeks with these girls is going to be tough and they might transfer out of my class, but they aren't getting away with anything!! hahaha

Teaching is going well though, minus the chatty girls. I have one class that is really interactive and answers questions and others who are sooooo quiet.
But anyways tonight I am going out with some of my co-workers to a bar or club! I haven't been to a club here yet. It is strange because I live by like fifty. Last night we all went out to dinner together after work! I didn't get home until One AM, but totally worth it because I really like hanging out with the people I work with. I don't know what else I am doing this weekend- maybe buying more things for my apartment? Rice cooker? More food? Not sure.
I will let you know:) Have a great weekend!!!


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