How is everything in the US of A everyone?
Everything is going well here, just teaching the kids and living the dream in Seoul, South Korea:) A couple of you might get the living the dream reference, sorry for those who don't.
My weekend was relaxing but I was constantly on the go as well. Teaching ended at 7PM on Friday for me because I have a half day on Fridays. I don't think there is a better day to have only one three-hour class.
I went out to have a couple of drinks, but didn't do much else because wanted to get up early and find a big park to run.
Saturday morning I woke up early and took the subway a couple of stops to a park called Yeouido Park. There were hundreds of middle school students at the park. It must have been a middle school clean up day because they all had garbage bags and plastic gloves. I remember doing the same thing at the Erie Canal for Pittsford Crew, but these kids were actually have a good time.
There were two paths in the park. One for bicycles and the other for walking/running. I ran all around this park for around six miles. I had to convert kilometers to miles. I couldn't believe I could still run because I have been slacking on the working out situation.
The park was pretty and I would definitely go back. There was a part in the middle that looked like there could be some concerts held. A stage and a whole bunch of chairs set up. There were also statues of important kings, different ponds, basketball area, and grassy areas to have a picnic. The place I really want to run is right beside the Han River. The Han river is the one that flows directly through Seoul. I go over the river on the subway when I get to my school every day. There is a little path that goes next to it. I need to find the best subway stop and get off to run:)
Saturday night I went out with some people from work because it was one girl's last day in Seoul. She had been teaching at Mokdong for a year. I don't like when the people I have started to get to know leave three weeks after I meet them.
Her name was Rachelle and she was leaving that next day to go travel through Thailand. I like finding out where people are traveling after they are done with teaching so that maybe I will get some ideas for myself!
We went to a cute place where I had some red wine. It is the first time I have wine in this country! It has been only beer, random cocktails, and sojo which is like a watered down vodka. Only this stuff comes in a bottle like beer and is around 1,000 won. 1,200 won is around $1.00.
Sunday was my favorite day of the weekend. Racheal and I went out to find some places to shop. We found the shopping district called "Myeong-dong" where everyone goes. We also met up with the other two girls from our training, Aisling and Sanam. Aisling is from Dublin, Ireland but lived in London for a couple of years. Sanam is from Toronto. They are all a little older than me, around twenty-five and twenty-six.
We found a HUGE Forever 21 with four floors. I was in love with this place. I got a coat and a shirt for work. We went to H&M, but didn't like their stuff as much. All of these places were outside on a side road with all kinds of stores. H&M, Forever 21, The Body Shop, Converse, four DiFFERENT Zaras, Gap, etc.
We then went into an actual mall and within maybe a couple of minutes left. There was Coach, Fendi, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, etc. I'm like "yeah, not really what we were looking for."
A couple of subway stops away from Myeong-dong was more of the Korean market. It reminded me of the markets in Vietnam but more expensive. These people didn't want to haggle AT ALL even though the stuff was not even the best quality. I bought a black winter dress that I really liked, but nothing else caught my eye.
After shopping we went to eat some Indian food. I don't usually go for Indian food because when I was in India I was really sick on the plane ride from New Delhi to Chennai. It was a good experience this time though. Nothing too spicy and it did not upset my stomach.
I have honestly liked just about everything I have eaten here. I have had an upset stomach a couple of times, but it was probably from getting used to the spice. I am also not eating much lactose either, which has made a lot of difference because I think I have a bit of lactose-intolerance.
I have been eating a lot of kimchi, korean bbq, rice, cold and hot noddles, vegetables, and fruit. I have a vegetable and fruit lady down the street:) Love apples, oranges, and bananas.
This week is a little different than the other weeks. Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the Korean version of Thanksgiving or Chuseok.
I don't have school on Tuesday or Wednesday because the kids travel and see family. They asked me why I wasn't going to see my family. I told them the thirteen-hour flight for two days was not really worth it. I had a full day yesterday, half day thursday, and regular half day friday.
Last night after work about ten of us went out to grab drinks and food in Itaewon. Itaewon is known as the foreigner's town in Seoul. A couple of my co-workers live there. I like it, but it is almost too much of a foreigner's town for me. I don't want to walk into every bar in Itaewon with only western people. Itaewon is also known for the many different types of restaurants though. Any type of food you want would be there.
Today I am just hanging out in my apartment because it is down-pouring here. I don't want to walk anywhere in this. Thunder and lightening as well. Later I will probably go out with some people and see what is open. A lot of places close down for three days, so we will have to see what is open.
Tomorrow I have been recruited to go hiking and climbing up some hill in Seoul. I don't know many of the details and who knows if it will actually happen.
Nothing will be open tomorrow and we don't have much family here.....
However, my parents are coming in two weeks to visit me!!!! I am writing down some places to go with them. CAN"T WAIT. Should be a fantastic trip for them and it will be great to see them too!!
Have a great week!!!
yuuummm your food talk makes me hungry! And these cheap drinks sound even better! lol