Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cooling Down.....Sort Of

Hey Hey Hey-

Yes, it is cooling down in that it is not as humid. However, it has still been around 82 degrees for the past week. This week has been extra fantastic because it has not rained for at least five days. I think it is the record since I have been here. I like rain once in a while but when everyone has their umbrella up on some narrow sidewalks it gets hard to walk past people and sometimes if you are not careful you will get hit.

Yesterday I went in search of a gym I could join in the winter months because I won't be able to run outside. I called the "Korean Tourist Help-Line" and they told me of two places. One place was in a hotel close by my apartment. Mom and Dad if you are reading, it is called the Seokyo Hotel in Mapo-gu, Seoul. I went in and it was nice, but you might want to stay in Gangnum with the American hotels. The gym membership for six-months was 1,000,000 won which is about $800. It includes the fitness center, sauna, and the cooling and heating pools. It is more than I would like to spend on a gym membership. I went to search for another place but couldn't find it. I kept trying to ask and people were pointing further and further down a road I was traveling on. I don't want to be hiking twenty to thirty minutes to get to the gym on foot every day in the winter.

On my way home from the gym I couldn't find, I walked past a store called "Watsons." Watsons is a personal convenience store. They have all different kind of beauty products and supplies. Most of the brands were American. I bought some body wash I usually use at home, pantene conditioner, and a couple of nail polishes. Before I came to South Korea I was told it would be hard to find certain beauty products and things. I have seen numerous amounts of beauty stores that I have no idea what anyone was talking about with not being able to find supplies. This store is definitely going to be my go- to for anything I need in the beauty department. They even have vitamins, health food items, and awesome face/peel masks.

I STILL have not had the a ton of time to get the internet because my friend that will help us has also not had time either. He is teaching the highest English level we have at our school, so he needs to grade papers with essays and writing sections. Friday before school he said he can help Racheal and I with the internet.

Although yesterday I went to another cafe and skyped with a few people I have been wanting to talk with for a while. I was able to skype with my friends Erin and Kristen. It was awesome being able to talk to them from so far away on my computer. I sat outside and they could hear all the cars, buses, and people doing construction on the road. I wanted to sit inside but the music in the cafe was way too loud to talk to anyone on the computer. I also talked to my parents and Matt! If you are ever on skype definitely call me, I would love to talk to you:)

Teaching is going well, with the help of some starbucks double-shot americano drinks. Yesterday was probably my hardest day I have had teaching so far. I only have four kids in this one class who NEVER speak one word. When they do finally speak it is so soft you have to keep asking them what they said. I also had to sit down with this one kid because he has not done his online or offline homework for two weeks straight. He also does not do well on his in-class quizzes and doesn't pay attention.
I asked him if there was a reason he wasn't doing his homework and he said he didn't have enough time. I totally get that, they go to school all day and have different activities everyday after school until 10PM.
On the other hand, I told him he needs to try and make some time because if you don't do any homework it makes it tough to do well on the review tests and level-up to another class in ten weeks. I KNOW this kid is smart because when he pays attention and we do the questions about a reading together, he has all the correct answers.
I just sent him a "encouragement message" on the computer to tell him again I know he has the potential to do great in my class.
Everything else is going alright though. Not many other problems. I can't wait for the weekend because I want to go search for some parks and run!! I might run this 10k race in October with a couple of co-workers, we will see.
Adios Amigos!


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