Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back in Action :)

Woah! What a crazy couple of weeks!
I have without a doubt been on the move from pretty much everywhere. Between taking two thirteen hour plane rides and getting back into the swing of things at work, the word "crazy" just doesn't cut it.
However, I wouldn't have it any other way.

The wedding was absolutely spectacular and breathtaking. I had the most fantastic time I can really ever remember having, EVER!
Claire was a gorgeous bride and I enjoyed sharing those moments with her before the ceremony.
We got our hair and makeup done and drank our delicious mimosas beforehand.
I am super excited to first have a sister in-law and second, I am excited to see what family adventures lay before us.
Can't ask for anyone else who admires my brother for who is he more than Claire :)

Being back in the United States brought back pleasant memories and emotional surprises. I didn't realize how emotional I was going to be even just sitting in the airport! I guess what I am trying to say is that home truly is where the heart is.
If I had been home for longer than a week, going back to Korea would have been extremely tough.
Don't get my wrong, I love my job and I love where I am, but there is no replacement to being surrounded by people you love.

The week showed me how adventurous I actually am. I knew that coming to Korea to teach English was a different path than most people take after college. Although I found myself thinking, 'Wow! How was I not that nervous coming to a foreign country?'

I also took time at home to think about the next couple of months in Korea. I do miss home every now and again, but what I have now become aware of is how precious my next three months are. They will fly by and I need to live in the moment of enjoying every second.

Just a quote to end this post!

"The world is what we think it is. If we can change our thoughts, we can change the world."

Love you!
