Wednesday, March 23, 2011

End Of March

Alright! Hope everyone is doing well back in the States or wherever you are reading this from.
I have been pretty busy with school and sorting out the bad kids from a couple of classes.
I have a couple of classes that are absolutely fantastic and I honestly believe the kids are learning and having a bit of fun.
One class I actually don't know if the kids remember their English name when I call on them. They are in high level reading so I really don't feel bad for them.
All I can do is try and stay positive for them and occasionally come down to their level and see what the real problem is.

I officially have my flights booked to come home for the wedding in May! Ahhh I am just super excited. Sometimes I get so excited I have to jump around :) I do miss those friends and family I love!!!!

Well I know this post is short, but I do want to start writing more. I will update you this weekend or on Monday because it is my off day.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Successful Weekend!

I had such a great week last week and my weekend was even better.
I think I already mentioned that this term will be more difficult than the last because I have middle school students. I need to put a couple of them in their place. What I really mean is tell the Korean staff about how rude a few of them are to me. Completely disrespectful.
Friday I woke up super early to remember it was my birthday! I went to the gym and renewed my gym membership for about 6 months. They guy working there asked me how old I was and I told him twenty-three today! He was almost like jumping up and down and was super excited. I was nervous he wasn't going to let me get on the treadmill because he was dancing around!
I talked to my Mom on skype and opened a few things my parents had sent to me. I also received beautiful cards from Grandma Loie and Pa and Maureen! Lovely cards!

I went to school and some of my co-workers found out it was my birthday! Darn that facebook!! I went into class right at 4:00 and found a cake and birthday hat sitting on my chair. My class and I brainstormed for about ten minutes on where the cake came from! At 5:00 we took our first break and Racheal was the one who bought it to for me!!!
Super cute and I loved that she got me it! It was a light cream fruit cake, perfect for me:)

After work I was planning on booking it out of school, but found out about the tragedy in Japan and had to stay to look at the news reports. My Mom called wondering if I was okay because she had received many other phone calls from family. Nothing hit us and we were not affected in any way, but it was nice to hear that people were worried!!!
Thank you if you called!

Some co-workers and I then went to dinner and we met up with my friends who took a bus to get to Seoul! My friends Ash, Kat, Lauren, Braden, Sanam, and her friend Courtney all came to meet for dinner!
There was around twelve of us at an Indian restaurant I go to with Racheal. Great Meal! We ended up at a few other bars and I had four of my friends stay at my place for the night. It was hilarious because I don't have a lot of room, but we made it work!!!

The next day we went to do some shopping! I bought another dress I like for the wedding! I already have my bridesmaid dress...but I want a couple of dresses to wear for other functions that weekend. Unfortunately I have two dresses I like, but only should keep one. I want to save money. I will figure it out!!!

On to week three of the new term! I will be busy with school and planning other birthday parties that are coming up!!!!

Stay well!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Start of a New Term

Definitely about time I updated this :)
Last week was my first week of my new term. Right now I think that my classes will go well just because I now have a lot of experience to manage my students. I have four high- level reading classes which are all composed of those greaaatttt middle school students. Does anyone sense some sarcasm?
Last term I only had elementary students. They can give me whichever level they want though. I am up the challenge and will learn from my mistakes as well.
I also have a couple of classes with the small elementary school students. I had a couple of the students last term as well. I am teaching the same level for the little kids, but a few of my students didn't level up. I will be honest. The test they take to get to a higher level is not easy.
Along with a new term at school comes a new classroom! I have a window and a room that doesn't get too least not yet! I am able to see the sun go down which is a bonus. How exciting that it will be getting darker later and I can see the change through the seasons.

The last couple of weekends I have been hanging out with some friends and doing a little shopping. I found a dress that I can wear to the rehearsal dinner for my brother's wedding :) I will be home in exactly two months!!! I asked for some time off and my faculty manager gave me an extra day! I will be home from May 5- May 15. I am booking my flights this week. They don't look very cheap, but I need to come home of course!
My Bridesmaid dress is being sent to me this week so I will have to see how that fits!!

Besides the fun festivities coming up back in the States, I am weighing my options for when I leave Korea.
Right now I am planning on taking the GRE, going to Grad School, and becoming a teacher....
Have no idea if I will actually want to do it when I leave here, but that is the plan right now. I am getting a few books to study here in Korea and maybe I will be able to take the test here. I might need to take a class because I haven't studied math in forever. Not sure how I will be doing things.

Nothing special going on this week at school. Just looking forward to the weekend with friends for my birthday on Friday!!! Twenty-Three years old? Ahhhhh!!!

