Six Months in and still truckin' on through:)
It is hard to believe I have been here for six months!! I can only pray that my next six months are just as good or even better than the last.
I have had a good couple of weeks. There are only two whole weeks left for this term and I will be getting new students again.
I am semi-excited, however, these kids have been one-hundred times better than last term which is what scares me. I am afraid I will get evil kids that don't want to be there.
Two weeks ago was the Lunar New Year here in Korea! Seoul was a complete ghost town. I had some friends who went to China and Japan and they had a blast. I decided to stay in Korea because even though I had two days off, I want to starting really saving money. Furthermore, flights to other countries during the new year were double or even triple what they usually are.
I hung around with my friend Lauren from South Africa. We went out at nights, did some shopping, and watched some movies.
It was a nice rest from everything going on around me.
My friends and I are starting to plan what is to come in the next few weeks. We have a few people leaving Seoul to go back home :(
Also, we have about four of our birthday's coming up as well! Should be a exciting time with everyone!
Just this past weekend we talked about maybe some trips to Southeast Asia after our one-year contract in August :) Who knows where I will be going, but I definitely want to travel before coming home!!
Everything is going swell here and it is not as chilly as it has been. That might change.....not sure!
Happy Valentines Day!!!!