Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'll write you a story, how I ended up here..

The title of this post is just a song that I was listening to today and it reminded me on my time here in Korea and how I decided on coming to Korea
It has been a year today since I arrived in Korea!
Remembering all of the anxious and nervous feelings plus a little hesitation on what was going on around me makes me a little nostalgic.
I wouldn't have traded it in for anything because I have loved my time here.

I have two weeks left of the term and I am so excited to come home. The kids are definitely testing my nerves these days. I think its because I know I am leaving soon and I just want the last couple of weeks to be great.
I have been buying some extra things I want to take home like cool chopsticks, gifts for a couple of people, and this beautiful necklace with the entrance gate of my favorite palace here in Korea.

I have a lot to do over the next couple of weeks as far as canceling my internet, phone, and moving out of my apartment.
I am also planning on getting together next weekend for the last time with my good friends. Probably Aisling, Kat, Lauren, Lucy, Carrie, and Sera.
Maybe some other people too!

This past Friday night I went out with Lauren for dinner and met Lucy and Carrie at a place called "G8 Hookah." We had a couple of drinks and had hookah! I loved the flavors and the place was ultra hip and cool :)

Yesterday I went to Insadong with Lauren where we got the traditional souvenirs for ourselves and people back home.
We also stopped for some traditional Korean tea and Korean food. I had the "biminbap" which is rice, a lot of different vegetables, egg, and this spicy sauce on top! One of my favorite Korean dishes! Lauren had some mixed meat stew which was this huge hot pot of kimchi, spam, ramen, and spicy broth. She didn't like it very much because well spam is gross.

I'll probably write one last post before I come home.
In case you were wondering what I am doing after Korea, I applied for Graduate School at Nazareth College in Rochester and received my acceptance letter a couple of weeks ago!
I am starting this Fall. I will start classes on August 30! Super fast after I get home but I am ready!
I will be studying Childhood Education with hopes of becoming an elementary school teacher :) (In the States)

I would love to travel more, but feel as if school is calling my name again and I want another challenge to take on.

I am off to enjoy my last two weeks of Korea and will without a doubt miss it terribly :(
I'll be seeing you August 26 America! Get ready :)


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Rainy Season!

Hi Friends :)
Thought I would update you on my last couple of months here in Korea.
It has been crazy rain for probably the past 3 weeks. We have had some breaks for a couple of days, however most of the time it has been kind of gloom. I am starting to get used to it and it does not bother me as much anymore.
I hear it is quite the warm spell at home!! Like 90!
I remember those hot hot days when I used to Lifeguard! I would go into the pool ever 30 minutes. Make sure you are staying hydrated everyone.

The last couple of weekends I have been on the move. I went to visit my friend Zach in Ulsan almost three weeks ago. He went to John Carroll with me. We had a good time with his friends partying and eating some great Mexican food.
Once in a while it is awesome to see a familiar face and talk about the times back in college. I sound so old! Talking about the 'Good Old Times!'
Two weekends ago I went to Busan with my friends Aisling and Laurel. I have Friday's off now (finally) so we went down early Friday and came back Sunday afternoon. Busan is a beach city. It is the second biggest city in Korea with lots to do.
We did a little shopping, went to a park and went up to the "Busan Tower." We were able to see all of Busan from there while relaxing and having a coffee.
It was honestly a great break from the insane city called Seoul. Don't get me wrong, I love love love Seoul, but I needed a bit of a chill weekend.

Last weekend I hung out in Seoul with friends. I finally was able to sit and finish my book I bought when I went home for Matt's wedding! I have not sat down and just read!
My friend Lauren and I went out and bought snacks for her kids and roamed around the area where we live.
Saturday we got some Greek food and went out for drinks! I also met with my friend Lucy, Carrie, and a new Teacher named Kyle.

In about a month and a half I am coming back to the States! The only problem I see with this is that I am meeting some amazing new people who now work with me.
I can tell they are sad too because they just arrived. I know I have to just let it go and I am completely planning on staying in touch so we can get together when they come back to the states.
They came at the right time though. Right when Racheal and Brandon left. We have had a good couple of months to get to know each other and hang out :)

This week is the end of my seventh week of my fourth term! I have six weeks left of teaching in Korea. What a spectacular year this has been. I am now in the process of looking at tickets. I am thinking the last weekend of August is when Kristen will be flying home. Get excited!!! =)
I started dancing again in my class so you know I am happy about coming home. I do frequently dance in class and I am a little silly. It is the only way the kids don't fall asleep after a full day in school!

Okay time to go do battle with the rain!

XOXO Kristen

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer in June

Okay Okay Okay. I am back to blogging!

The past few weeks have been great here in Korea.
I am completely back into the swing of things and have been loving the weather. It is getting very very warm and humid.
I am not sure how hot it going to get here, but it is going to be extremely humid I hear. Maybe like New Orleans and Florida in the Summertime? I will be sure to let you know.

Tomorrow will be my forth week into my last term as a English teacher! The kids are angels this term! I don't want to jinx it, but they are a whole lot better than last term. Last term the kids might have had it out for me. At least I am convinced they did.
This term the kids are interested in learning English and want to know more. A couple of my middle school kids are kind of a pain and like to joke around. When they have their phone out I take it and answer it!!! They they freak out! I am not joking either. I answer it and say, "Steven is in class right now, don't call back or i'll answer again!" The kid on the phone loses it and hangs up right away.
Sometimes being a teacher is so much fun and makes my day.

My weekends have been filled with little adventures to various clubs and outdoor activities.
This past weekend I went to a bar with a couple of newer teachers that I work with. We were out until 6AM! We went to this bar for a couple of hours, Korean Karaoke, and another bar to dance! We then went to get coffee at 6AM. I was pretty impressed I was able to stay out that late considering I only had a couple of drinks and was exhausted from a full week of teaching.
If you don't believe me, ask my brother Matt because I wished him a Happy Birthday that morning!!!

The reason I haven't updated my blog in a while is because I have had a full schedule for the last 5 weeks. I picked up two more classes and have had been at school from 1:30- 10PM everyday getting ready for the week.
This next week I am going to be on a normal schedule and having some more time to not be as stressed.

Oh wait I forgot to mention one of my best friends from home just got engaged, Kristen Klein!
I have been friends with her since like third grade!!!! Her boyfriend, Matt, proposed in the Bahamas when they were on a cruise!!!! I am thrilled for them and love them as a couple!!! Super cute!!!

I love Korea and have loved every minute of being here, but I can't wait to come home and celebrate with her :)
Love to everyone!!!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back in Action :)

Woah! What a crazy couple of weeks!
I have without a doubt been on the move from pretty much everywhere. Between taking two thirteen hour plane rides and getting back into the swing of things at work, the word "crazy" just doesn't cut it.
However, I wouldn't have it any other way.

The wedding was absolutely spectacular and breathtaking. I had the most fantastic time I can really ever remember having, EVER!
Claire was a gorgeous bride and I enjoyed sharing those moments with her before the ceremony.
We got our hair and makeup done and drank our delicious mimosas beforehand.
I am super excited to first have a sister in-law and second, I am excited to see what family adventures lay before us.
Can't ask for anyone else who admires my brother for who is he more than Claire :)

Being back in the United States brought back pleasant memories and emotional surprises. I didn't realize how emotional I was going to be even just sitting in the airport! I guess what I am trying to say is that home truly is where the heart is.
If I had been home for longer than a week, going back to Korea would have been extremely tough.
Don't get my wrong, I love my job and I love where I am, but there is no replacement to being surrounded by people you love.

The week showed me how adventurous I actually am. I knew that coming to Korea to teach English was a different path than most people take after college. Although I found myself thinking, 'Wow! How was I not that nervous coming to a foreign country?'

I also took time at home to think about the next couple of months in Korea. I do miss home every now and again, but what I have now become aware of is how precious my next three months are. They will fly by and I need to live in the moment of enjoying every second.

Just a quote to end this post!

"The world is what we think it is. If we can change our thoughts, we can change the world."

Love you!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Down to the Wire

Soooooo I can't think of anything but coming home for the wedding. I am constantly getting distracted from everything!
Even in class I am super excited and the kids might wonder if there is something wrong with me.
I know that when I come back to South Korea I still have another thirteen or fourteen weeks, but right now all I want to think about is coming home!!!!
I try on the bridesmaid dress pretty much everyday even through it is big for me! I bought a pair of shoes the other day to go with other dresses I bought for the wedding weekend.

School is going well still. I haven't had the middle school kids in a while because of their exams. It is a nice break from those silly kids! Teaching middle school students basically tells me how much I don't want to teach that age group when I come back.
Younger kids are more fun even though they require more energy.

Last weekend I went to visit a friend in Daejeon which is an hour south of Seoul on the KTX. I haven't seen her since my birthday and wanted to check out a new city. It was a blast! She had us over for a BBQ:) Her apartment was incredible though. She has a loft and her view from her fifteenth floor apartment was incredible. You can see the entire city!
We went out that night to some neat bars. My favorite was called the "Tree House Bar" with a swing and bridge inside the bar. You also were able to put the beer bottle cap on the ceiling. There was some material on the ceiling that made the caps stick!

The weather here has been strange. Last weekend it was pretty nice maybe in the 60s. Right now it is super dark and looks like some crazy storm will pass through any minute. Might rain the entire week :(
I'll have to remember my umbrella!!!

Have great week!!!!


Friday, April 15, 2011

April Showers Brings May Flowers

I know I know I said I would write at the end of March. Got a little busy :-/
The weather here is really starting to warm up! Today it is going to be in the mid 60s with extra sun!!
I have definitely been missing the warm sunshine. Just the other day I was able to sit out by a park and just relax before school.

The past couple of weeks have been somewhat of a roller coster ride. I have taken up a new class because a woman at our branch is pregnant. I am happy to do it though because I like the class I teach. Still young kids, just another level up.

The last couple of weekends have been nice. I have celebrated a few birthdays! I went to visit my friend Ash for her birthday last weekend. She lives North East of Seoul and Lauren and I went up for a couple of hours. It is more of the countryside and absolutely stunning. It was great to get out of Seoul. Hopefully in the Summer I can take more weekend trips to enjoy the weather and bask in the sunshine.

Less than three weeks until I come home as well. It is unreal how fast time has gone. It only takes a person to leave his or her regular environment for a while to realize how precious time is. I have been looking up so many quotes and really relating to the travel and time ones. I have always been a quote person, but now even more than before.

Unfortunately I do have some rather sad news as well. Thursday night I found out my first friend in South Korea, Racheal and her boyfriend Brandon were leaving the next day to go home back to the States. I know she might be reading this, but I have to put my feelings somewhere because I am struggling. She went back mostly because of the radiation situation. I think her family really wanted her back home.
There have been traces of the radiation in South Korea but none that are life threatening right now according to several Koreans news sources.
I found out on Thursday night that she was leaving the next day at 8:00 A.M.

Today is Saturday and I am still feeling extreme sadness. She lived above me in the same apartment complex, worked with me, and was there for me throughout this journey.
I will continue to miss her even though I understand why she left. However the light seems a little dimmer in this ever growing city of lights. I hope that she continues to be happy and thrives through whatever journey she chooses.

Anyway, that is all for now. I cannot wait to come home and see you all for the wedding! 3 short weeks!!!



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

End Of March

Alright! Hope everyone is doing well back in the States or wherever you are reading this from.
I have been pretty busy with school and sorting out the bad kids from a couple of classes.
I have a couple of classes that are absolutely fantastic and I honestly believe the kids are learning and having a bit of fun.
One class I actually don't know if the kids remember their English name when I call on them. They are in high level reading so I really don't feel bad for them.
All I can do is try and stay positive for them and occasionally come down to their level and see what the real problem is.

I officially have my flights booked to come home for the wedding in May! Ahhh I am just super excited. Sometimes I get so excited I have to jump around :) I do miss those friends and family I love!!!!

Well I know this post is short, but I do want to start writing more. I will update you this weekend or on Monday because it is my off day.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Successful Weekend!

I had such a great week last week and my weekend was even better.
I think I already mentioned that this term will be more difficult than the last because I have middle school students. I need to put a couple of them in their place. What I really mean is tell the Korean staff about how rude a few of them are to me. Completely disrespectful.
Friday I woke up super early to remember it was my birthday! I went to the gym and renewed my gym membership for about 6 months. They guy working there asked me how old I was and I told him twenty-three today! He was almost like jumping up and down and was super excited. I was nervous he wasn't going to let me get on the treadmill because he was dancing around!
I talked to my Mom on skype and opened a few things my parents had sent to me. I also received beautiful cards from Grandma Loie and Pa and Maureen! Lovely cards!

I went to school and some of my co-workers found out it was my birthday! Darn that facebook!! I went into class right at 4:00 and found a cake and birthday hat sitting on my chair. My class and I brainstormed for about ten minutes on where the cake came from! At 5:00 we took our first break and Racheal was the one who bought it to for me!!!
Super cute and I loved that she got me it! It was a light cream fruit cake, perfect for me:)

After work I was planning on booking it out of school, but found out about the tragedy in Japan and had to stay to look at the news reports. My Mom called wondering if I was okay because she had received many other phone calls from family. Nothing hit us and we were not affected in any way, but it was nice to hear that people were worried!!!
Thank you if you called!

Some co-workers and I then went to dinner and we met up with my friends who took a bus to get to Seoul! My friends Ash, Kat, Lauren, Braden, Sanam, and her friend Courtney all came to meet for dinner!
There was around twelve of us at an Indian restaurant I go to with Racheal. Great Meal! We ended up at a few other bars and I had four of my friends stay at my place for the night. It was hilarious because I don't have a lot of room, but we made it work!!!

The next day we went to do some shopping! I bought another dress I like for the wedding! I already have my bridesmaid dress...but I want a couple of dresses to wear for other functions that weekend. Unfortunately I have two dresses I like, but only should keep one. I want to save money. I will figure it out!!!

On to week three of the new term! I will be busy with school and planning other birthday parties that are coming up!!!!

Stay well!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Start of a New Term

Definitely about time I updated this :)
Last week was my first week of my new term. Right now I think that my classes will go well just because I now have a lot of experience to manage my students. I have four high- level reading classes which are all composed of those greaaatttt middle school students. Does anyone sense some sarcasm?
Last term I only had elementary students. They can give me whichever level they want though. I am up the challenge and will learn from my mistakes as well.
I also have a couple of classes with the small elementary school students. I had a couple of the students last term as well. I am teaching the same level for the little kids, but a few of my students didn't level up. I will be honest. The test they take to get to a higher level is not easy.
Along with a new term at school comes a new classroom! I have a window and a room that doesn't get too least not yet! I am able to see the sun go down which is a bonus. How exciting that it will be getting darker later and I can see the change through the seasons.

The last couple of weekends I have been hanging out with some friends and doing a little shopping. I found a dress that I can wear to the rehearsal dinner for my brother's wedding :) I will be home in exactly two months!!! I asked for some time off and my faculty manager gave me an extra day! I will be home from May 5- May 15. I am booking my flights this week. They don't look very cheap, but I need to come home of course!
My Bridesmaid dress is being sent to me this week so I will have to see how that fits!!

Besides the fun festivities coming up back in the States, I am weighing my options for when I leave Korea.
Right now I am planning on taking the GRE, going to Grad School, and becoming a teacher....
Have no idea if I will actually want to do it when I leave here, but that is the plan right now. I am getting a few books to study here in Korea and maybe I will be able to take the test here. I might need to take a class because I haven't studied math in forever. Not sure how I will be doing things.

Nothing special going on this week at school. Just looking forward to the weekend with friends for my birthday on Friday!!! Twenty-Three years old? Ahhhhh!!!



Monday, February 14, 2011

Six, Six, Six!

Six Months in and still truckin' on through:)

It is hard to believe I have been here for six months!! I can only pray that my next six months are just as good or even better than the last.
I have had a good couple of weeks. There are only two whole weeks left for this term and I will be getting new students again.
I am semi-excited, however, these kids have been one-hundred times better than last term which is what scares me. I am afraid I will get evil kids that don't want to be there.

Two weeks ago was the Lunar New Year here in Korea! Seoul was a complete ghost town. I had some friends who went to China and Japan and they had a blast. I decided to stay in Korea because even though I had two days off, I want to starting really saving money. Furthermore, flights to other countries during the new year were double or even triple what they usually are.
I hung around with my friend Lauren from South Africa. We went out at nights, did some shopping, and watched some movies.
It was a nice rest from everything going on around me.

My friends and I are starting to plan what is to come in the next few weeks. We have a few people leaving Seoul to go back home :(
Also, we have about four of our birthday's coming up as well! Should be a exciting time with everyone!
Just this past weekend we talked about maybe some trips to Southeast Asia after our one-year contract in August :) Who knows where I will be going, but I definitely want to travel before coming home!!

Everything is going swell here and it is not as chilly as it has been. That might change.....not sure!

Happy Valentines Day!!!!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Finally! Some positive feedback!

This past Friday I received some positive feedback from work. Not that I was waiting and looking for any, but I got an e-mail from my faculty manager saying I did well on my student surveys!! Yeah! My kids actually like me this term :) Or they did until I started yelling at them for the last couple of weeks.... (just kidding, well sort of)

Last term I did okay on the surveys, however I was not real pleased with myself. I thought I could have done better.
Out of around 40 instructors I did a whole lot better than last term. I hope I can keep it up. Helene, my faculty manager, told me she was proud of me. My group leaders, Sasha and Junho also sent me an e-mail saying they were proud of me as well.
Once and a while it is good to hear I am doing alright at work. I told Helene my goal for this term was to work on student management and just improve.
Maybe because I am going to the gym and taking some extra energy there would be one of the reasons I have a better attitude toward work.

This week I only have to work two days before the Lunar New Year! It will be interesting to see what Seoul looks like when everyone goes back home to visit family.

One other hilarious thing happened to me today. I have to write this on here because I am still laughing. I always go to the same coffee shop to skype with friends and family. Just an hour ago one of the workers at Cafe Bene came up to me and gave me a letter.
He doesn't speak very good English but told me he had a letter for me and doesn't speak English real well.
I read the letter and I will write some of what he said.

Here it reads:
To my dear...
Hello, my name is Kim Su-Young. I'm sorry that I couldn't even know your name.
I thought about many things before I wrote this letter.
Frankly, I'm not good at speaking English, so I give you this words on paper. I always waited for you at the cafe. One day, when I couldn't see you, I thought you would come here tomorrow?
You are the first person who takes my first coffee at this cafe-bene......
and he wrote more.
I immediately called Racheal because I am like what is going on!!!!!
He wants me to text him and he gave me his phone number.

Just thought I would share with you some funny things in my life right now.
I don't know what I am going to do, some comments would be great!!!

Have a great week!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Wowza! I have abandon my blog for about two weeks.
Most definitely time to write a little.

I have had a good couple of weeks. Nothing too different or super exciting happening here.
School is good as always. I am now approaching my ninth week with these kids and it has been a lot better than last term.
They take their big "level-up" test this week to see if they should advance to a higher level.
I will be administering the test to three of my classes. I hope they do alright :-)

The weekends have been extra cold here! It even snowed a good amount yesterday. The streets are filled with brown slush and are super slippery. The sidewalks are no better. I have to make sure I am wearing appropriate shoes so I don't slip.

This weekend I went out with my co-workers. Friday after dinner we all got together to have a sort of "going away" dinner for a co-workers boyfriend. A lot of other people know him much better than I do, but it is always sad when people leave. There was sixteen of us who went out for Korean BBQ and then drinks. I wanted to stay out later for Karaoke, however I had to get up early to work.
I volunteered to take an extra shift on a Saturday morning to give the level-up test prep class. It went by fast and I was actually glad I did it.

Besides the slick snow and having fun in the evenings, there is not a whole lot that is different here. I have been reading more and finishing up some work for school.
I am also beginning to think more about what I would like to do when I leave South Korea ...what will come next. It is a difficult task because I am not entirely sure what I want.
It will be an on-going task for the next couple of months. That I am sure about.

Take Care!

Kristen xoxo

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolution!

I am not so sure I have ever made a New Years Resolution. Maybe when I was a little younger I did, but I can't really recall a serious resolution.
However, this year is different. I am living in a different country and it was about time I took a look of what I want to get out of this year here in South Korea.

Teaching has been going pretty well over the last couple of weeks. I have had a couple of students who have been sort of a pain because they won't listen or get mad at me because I put them in a group that didn't consist of his friends.
Yes, I do feel a little bad for having to put him in a different group, although the kids need to learn to work with other people and not just friends. In life you don't get to always work with your friends or people you like. It is all about the experience and sometimes you need to take what life throws at you.

Anyway, my point for writing that is because even though the kids are the ones learning in my classroom, I have learned something about myself for a resolution.
I need to be more patient with everything, but in particular the kids. I'll be honest, when something doesn't go quite as planned I tend to freak out because I am afraid I will not get a page done in the book or I will run out of time. Or when they ask me the same question ten times I get annoyed. I have to remember that I was once a kid too and definitely did the same thing.

Despite all of these crazy things in school, I am enjoying myself. I have nice co-workers and I do like teaching.
The intensive classes in the morning have been my favorite. I am without a doubt a morning person. I love getting a coffee and walking into class with a smile and just taking it all in. I like teaching in the afternoon too, however I tend be more tired and a little drained.

I had a fantastic New Years with some friends from Ulsan. We celebrated with some free drinks from the bar we were at and I couldn't help to smile and realize where I was. I had a great Christmas as well with people I trained with back in August. I have been hanging out with my friend Aisling for the last couple of weeks and her frienda Kat and Lauren.

This weekend I might go visit Aisling and Kat for what is called the Ice Festival. I don't know much about it but apparently everything is all ice. It will probably take me an hour or so by train to get to the North East part of the country. I will have to figure out what I want to do.

I am off to bed as I have a full day tomorrow! I do like my Mondays off though :)

<3 Kristen

Monday, January 3, 2011


My Brother gave me a Flickr Pro Account for Christmas so here are some pictures I have taken on my brand new Nikon Camera!

Enjoy and here is the address!!!

Then click on photosteam under my name!!