Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year From Seoul!

Actually- I have not reached midnight, but I am just saying it in advance!
I get to experience New Years 14 hours ahead!
Last year I was 3 hours behind in San Francisco!!!

After work I am going to meet some friends!!!! Can't wait :) :)

Happy 2011 everyone!!!!

Much Love,


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
I cannot believe it is Christmas. Everything is blowing my mind!!!!!!!!
Last night I taught until 10 PM and thought, wow this is definitely a new kind of Christmas Eve. Thankfully the kids were really good yesterday and they all wished me a Merry Christmas!

Now I am in my apartment with some coffee and full after the delicious omelette I made myself and I am ready to skype my family back home! I do miss Christmas Eve at home because of everyone getting together and having the family dinner.
It is something I took for granted all these years.
However, I am completely happy with being here in Korea and I am planning on having a fabulous day with some friends :)

Merry Christmas to all!!!!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here We Come A-wassailing...

I found this amazing Christmas song by a songwriter named Kate Rusby. She kind of sounds a little like a folk singer, but her Christmas songs are awesome.
Her songs are comforting and make missing home a little easier for me. In my opinion, having Christmas in Seoul is sad because I do miss being home for the holidays, but there is not as much build up and hype here. This makes it easier because then I don't think of it as often.

The post office situation is ridiculous that I have now come to the point where I Fed-Exed five cards to my Mom so that she can give them to my family. I still want them to feel loved even if I can't be home :)

I received a package from my parents with gifts and a mini-Christmas tree! It looks great on top of my TV! Christmas morning I will open gifts and skype with everyone!

Next week at school will start "intensives" I will be teaching three extra morning class 9:30-12:30 and then my 4-10 PM shift. It only goes for four weeks and I will be making some extra cash. I could have done four classes a week, but I do hear that intensives get rough and you start to really need the caffeine every day.

My Friday night class is probably my favorite class this term. The middle school kids are funny and they don't disrespect me (yet) haha. I am glad that my weekend gets started on a good note and not an exhausting draining kind of night.

The weekend went well and I got together with some friends in Itaewon which is where most of the foreigners live. We went to a Thai place to eat and then some bars afterwards. Such a great night!
We also went to a Nori-bong (or Karaoke in Korean) It was hilarious with all the 80's songs we sang to and of course some Mariah Carey!
I also requested Piano Man by Billy Joel because we all know he is my favorite. Plus I really didn't need the words on the screen because I know them by heart :)

Sunday I finally made it to Harry Potter! Great movie and I can't wait for the second part to come out. The Korean subtitles were an extra bonus! At least the movie was in English!!

Last night Racheal, Brandon, and I went to this one fish place where they grilled the entire fish. We had the head, tail, and had to spit out some bones!! It was super delicious and reminded me of a fish I had in Vietnam. It was a rather tender mackerel fish! The kimchi soup was great too, extra spicy!
Very successful weekend and I am looking forward to this week!

Stay Warm!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas is coming!

Hey Hey Hey!

Only two weeks until Christmas! Can you believe it?!?
I have officially been in South Korea for four months as of today. The thought of it is absolutely ridiculous. I have experience so much already and cannot wait to see what life throws at me for the next eight or more months.

I hope everyone has been buying all of their Christmas gifts and not waiting until the last second! I hear there has been some crazy weather back in Rochester and probably all throughout the country too.

My weekend was filled with some new adventures to some places I have not been to in a while. I went back to a place called Insadong which is known for many art galleries and little shops. I bought a couple of things, but was really cold so I decided to go somewhere inside.
I also found a gym about seven minutes away from my apartment! I was super excited because when you go from running and working out everyday, to not doing much physical activity it makes you irritated and frustrated. At least it made me feel that way.
It was my second day of going to the gym and running! It will be good for the winter months when I can't run outside or really enjoy much of the weather.

Yesterday I actually had a full day! I skyped with my parents, Grandma-Loie, Matt, and Claire! I was able to see the Christmas tree but with no decorations yet. I will miss decorating the house and the tree :(

I then went with Racheal to get my haircut!!! I got a bunch cut off because I didn't think it was very healthy. I also have the side bangs again and I really like it. After haircut we went to a cafe and prepped for our classes. We went to this really cool art building where the cafe was on the sixth floor.
The cafes here in South Korea are everywhere and the unique ones are the best. We sat there for a couple of hours and attempted to get everything done, but was not as successful as we hoped.
Dinner was delicious at a great Italian place and to top off the night with some Chai tea at an Indian Restaurant!

Having Monday's off is a plus, however it does confuse me on what day it is when I get back to school.
My classes are still going well and the students are (hopefully) enjoying my class :)

Take Care!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Start of Winter Term

Week One? Check!
I have finished week one with my new kids! I like my younger kids a lot because they are interactive during class. I can also be more interactive with these younger classes because it is a lower level.
For example, during the first half an hour they look at a couple of pictures and come up with words they think of when they see these pictures. The pictures are about the story we read in class.
Last week the picture was about camp. I asked if they have ever been to any camps and started a discussion that way.
They have been to Academic camps, but nothing like we have for summer camps. I told them about my experience at Camp Stella Maris. It brought me back to how much fun I had during the summers as a kid.

I have only taught two middle school classes so far. My third middle school class has been cancelled for the past two weeks for exams they are taking. I will get to meet them next week. So far, the middle school kids are respectful of me. It is really the only thing that I ask :)

Nothing too crazy happening here. Yesterday I went to Namdaemun market with Rachael to get more Oatmeal! They have the huge container of Quaker Oats. I like it more than cereal because I can't have milk anymore. We also found this one place in the market selling coats for really cheap. I bought a pretty blue coat that will be warm in the winter.
We just did some exploring and ended the day with some delicious Kimchi Soup!!!

Today (Monday) I have school off. I don't teach on Monday unless someone needs me to sub for their class!
I will be heading to a coffee shop and prepping for all my classes this week. Hopefully it won't take me TOO long to prep :)

Enjoy your week,
