Brrrrrrrrr!!! It is definitely getting chilly here in Seoul!
Saturday night was probably the coldest it has been. I walked outside at night and had to go back in my apartment to get a warmer coat.
Everything is going well here. I know there is probably a ridiculous amount of media coverage about North Korea, South Korea, The United States, and China, but honestly I do not hear about any of it. I have to make it a point to go on the Korean English News Source, The New York Times, or CNN.
Last night there were some riots from Korean War Vets rioting about North Korea. I am not positive where this was held but I didn't see anything.
Like I said before, I have a bag all set just in case of anything.
This weekend went by way too quick!
Friday night was the big party to celebrate the end of the term. We were also celebrating new people coming in and saying goodbye to the co-workers leaving. It was a great time. We had Korean BBQ and toasted with some beer and soju.
I was able to talk to some co-workers I don't usually get to see or talk to. When you work with over 45 people, it is hard to get to know each person well.
Saturday I went into school to get some of my "welcome letters" done for my classes this week. We give them a letter, syllabus, and what our rules and expectations for the term.
This term I going to most likely have Mondays off. Yeah three day weekend!!
However, Saturday I found out one of my co-workers strained her voice really bad from singing. She went to the Hospital and the doctor told her not to speak for at least a week.
Therefore I am going to take over two of her classes! I did welcome letters for her class and all of the paper work.
Next week another co-worker asked me to take over three of his classes while he goes on vacation. They are upper-level classes which I am a little nervous about, but should be a good experience.
I figured i'll get the extra hours and when I need people to help me in May for Matt's wedding, maybe they will remember some hours I took for them.
Saturday night I went out with my friend Aisling and a couple of other Irish girls. We went to an Indian restaurant where we sat on the ground with comfy pillows and had an awesome meal.
I don't usually do Indian because of how sick I was in India, but this was delicious.
Sunday I went to a couple of coffee shops and sat down and prepped for my classes this week.
I am going to be teaching younger kids around 8-10 and than two other age groups that I am not entirely sure of yet.
I am exciting about teaching the lower level because I hear I can be more creative! I have also already written down what I want to do differently for this term. Some of my rules did not stick for the 13 weeks, so I want to do a better job at enforcing them.
From what I have heard, everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I definitely miss that Macy's Day Parade! I totally forgot about it until I skyped my parents and they were watching it.
Christmas will be without a doubt a lot harder. I have never been away for Christmas. I will still make sure to do something fun with friends and celebrate the season with some Christmas treats:)
Have a great week!
Ahn-Nyeong! (Hello in Korean) This is my blog for my experiences and thoughts while teaching in Korea! Feel Free to E-mail me anything or post comments if you wish- Thanks:) Follow my Journey......
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I'm Okay!
Just thought I would write a quick message to say despite all the news about North Korea firing shots into South Korea, I was not physically affected.
I had a couple of loving friends and family write on my facebook wall and wanting to know if I was alright.
My Faculty Manager e-mailed us and told us if anything did happen where we needed to leave the country- we would be the first to know. Her husband would have to leave to go to the military as well as a lot of our Korean staff. They would all have to report to the army ASAP.
However, I do know where the US Embassy is here in Seoul. I have registered with them and they would send me alerts if an emergency did happen. I also know where the nearest evacuation site is right next to my school. I have some things packed just in case of anything.
Just wanted to let you know I am prepared for whatever :)
Thank you for all your thoughts! I appreciate them so much!!!
Just thought I would write a quick message to say despite all the news about North Korea firing shots into South Korea, I was not physically affected.
I had a couple of loving friends and family write on my facebook wall and wanting to know if I was alright.
My Faculty Manager e-mailed us and told us if anything did happen where we needed to leave the country- we would be the first to know. Her husband would have to leave to go to the military as well as a lot of our Korean staff. They would all have to report to the army ASAP.
However, I do know where the US Embassy is here in Seoul. I have registered with them and they would send me alerts if an emergency did happen. I also know where the nearest evacuation site is right next to my school. I have some things packed just in case of anything.
Just wanted to let you know I am prepared for whatever :)
Thank you for all your thoughts! I appreciate them so much!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Week 13!
Hello All,
I have reached week 13! It is my last week with these kids that I have had for a while.
I will be sad to see a lot of them leave my class, but some kids it will be a dream to not have any more.
My faculty manager has already started with our schedule and it looks like I will be teaching some listening classes as well as reading. I am up for the challenge because I already know of so many things I want to do differently.
This new start reminds me of new semester in college as well. I had the chance to kind of whip off the slate of the last 15 weeks of college and I will do the same here.
There are a couple of girls who want to have me again as their teacher! I will have to see if I will be teaching the next level up of Par Listening or even Par Reading.
Well- last weekend I had a really great time. I went down to Ulsan to visit my friend Zach for his 26th Birthday Party!
THe KTX (fast train) was a piece of cake. I arrived in Ulsan at around 10:15.
We went to a bar to meet some of his friends and have some dinner. One of his friends who has been in South Korea for only a month, actually went to John Carroll! She graduated in 2008 and I kind of remember seeing her around but cannot be sure.
After dinner we went to a dance club near by and danced all night long. It was great! We kept requesting some Western songs but they were in a "techno" beat.
Saturday Zach told me he had to work from 2-6. Zach is also an English teacher for a Private school. He told his director I was from a Public school and how I wanted to see what a private school was all about.
Obviously this was a lie because I work for a private institute. It worked out well until she kept asking me questions about where I worked at this public school and I would always drift off into something different hehe!
I couldn't believe how different my school was. Zach only teaches hour classes and really has the freedom to conduct class as he wants. I have a strict schedule where I must do certain things in my three hour period.
I definitely liked how his school did things, but I also like a schedule where I know what I am doing. I don't think I could do that with Zach's school. There were also only about 10 or so instructors there.
Saturday Night was the big party. The owner of a Bar closed down the Bar to have a party for Zach. There were drink specials for him and he even bought Zach a cake!!
I got to know like 30 of Zach's friends. It was insane how many people know him! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because that is how it was in college too!
Overall, the weekend was a success. It is really nice to get out of Seoul for a while and experience other places in South Korea. I was able to go to this one park in Ulsan and it was gorgeous. With a couple of lakes, bridges, and the leaves changing, it was picture-esque.
This upcoming week we finish off the term with a huge team party. It will probably be at a Korean BBQ.
Some instructors are taking a term off and there are two new instructors coming in :)
Happy Early Thanksgiving!!!
I will write before then!!
I have reached week 13! It is my last week with these kids that I have had for a while.
I will be sad to see a lot of them leave my class, but some kids it will be a dream to not have any more.
My faculty manager has already started with our schedule and it looks like I will be teaching some listening classes as well as reading. I am up for the challenge because I already know of so many things I want to do differently.
This new start reminds me of new semester in college as well. I had the chance to kind of whip off the slate of the last 15 weeks of college and I will do the same here.
There are a couple of girls who want to have me again as their teacher! I will have to see if I will be teaching the next level up of Par Listening or even Par Reading.
Well- last weekend I had a really great time. I went down to Ulsan to visit my friend Zach for his 26th Birthday Party!
THe KTX (fast train) was a piece of cake. I arrived in Ulsan at around 10:15.
We went to a bar to meet some of his friends and have some dinner. One of his friends who has been in South Korea for only a month, actually went to John Carroll! She graduated in 2008 and I kind of remember seeing her around but cannot be sure.
After dinner we went to a dance club near by and danced all night long. It was great! We kept requesting some Western songs but they were in a "techno" beat.
Saturday Zach told me he had to work from 2-6. Zach is also an English teacher for a Private school. He told his director I was from a Public school and how I wanted to see what a private school was all about.
Obviously this was a lie because I work for a private institute. It worked out well until she kept asking me questions about where I worked at this public school and I would always drift off into something different hehe!
I couldn't believe how different my school was. Zach only teaches hour classes and really has the freedom to conduct class as he wants. I have a strict schedule where I must do certain things in my three hour period.
I definitely liked how his school did things, but I also like a schedule where I know what I am doing. I don't think I could do that with Zach's school. There were also only about 10 or so instructors there.
Saturday Night was the big party. The owner of a Bar closed down the Bar to have a party for Zach. There were drink specials for him and he even bought Zach a cake!!
I got to know like 30 of Zach's friends. It was insane how many people know him! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because that is how it was in college too!
Overall, the weekend was a success. It is really nice to get out of Seoul for a while and experience other places in South Korea. I was able to go to this one park in Ulsan and it was gorgeous. With a couple of lakes, bridges, and the leaves changing, it was picture-esque.
This upcoming week we finish off the term with a huge team party. It will probably be at a Korean BBQ.
Some instructors are taking a term off and there are two new instructors coming in :)
Happy Early Thanksgiving!!!
I will write before then!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
And It's Just Another Day in Paradise.
I decided to name my post about paradise because it represents one of my favorite quotes, "Anywhere is Paradise, It's Up To You."
That is a quote that I will be putting up on my classroom white board.
It is true, anywhere can be paradise if you let it be. It is all about your state of mind. If I have learned anything in the past three months it would have to be patience and the attitude that one holds is an incredibly important quality.
The kids is class often say that they cannot do something or achieve something they want. I tell them they can if they put their mind to it. I also have to remind myself of what I was thinking at the age too. I clearly remember telling myself I could not do many things either. It is fascinating what ten years will do.
I know this post is a little strange but I had time to really think about what I have learned in the past couple of months.
This past weekend was filled with some great times. Friday night I went out for a birthday celebration for my friend Brandon.
Racheal and I picked out a cake and I brought it to a bar to surprise him. Racheal invited some co-workers to the birthday bash and it was cool. We sat around listening to stories, laughing, and enjoying the company of everyone. Very successful night.
Saturday I ventured to an extremely busy Seoul Station to buy train tickets to go to Ulsan next weekend. Ulsan is about an hour north of Busan. It will take me about two hours to get their on the KTX train. I am going there for another birthday celebration for my friend Zach from John Carroll. There is going to be a party Friday and Saturday night which I am assuming will be priceless.
Zach is one of the guys who has loads of friends who absolutely cherish him!
I figured why not go and have a good time. Bought my tickets early so that at 7 pm next Friday I can hop on the subway to Seoul Station and roll on out :)
Saturday night I went out with my friend Aisling from Ireland and her two friends Kat and Lauren. We went and had dinner at a Thai and Vietnamese place. I had Seafood Pho Soup. It was delicious! I have not had Pho since I was in Vietnam with my parents in 2008. It brought me back to some fantastic memories. We then went to three bars in Sinchon (town over from me).
I am hoping maybe to visit Kat and Aisling up north where they are teaching for Chungdahm.
Only two more weeks until I have new kids! I will also probably be teaching different programs as well. Maybe listening and speaking classes. I am ready for a little change at school, some different kids to teach:)
Love to Everyone!!
That is a quote that I will be putting up on my classroom white board.
It is true, anywhere can be paradise if you let it be. It is all about your state of mind. If I have learned anything in the past three months it would have to be patience and the attitude that one holds is an incredibly important quality.
The kids is class often say that they cannot do something or achieve something they want. I tell them they can if they put their mind to it. I also have to remind myself of what I was thinking at the age too. I clearly remember telling myself I could not do many things either. It is fascinating what ten years will do.
I know this post is a little strange but I had time to really think about what I have learned in the past couple of months.
This past weekend was filled with some great times. Friday night I went out for a birthday celebration for my friend Brandon.
Racheal and I picked out a cake and I brought it to a bar to surprise him. Racheal invited some co-workers to the birthday bash and it was cool. We sat around listening to stories, laughing, and enjoying the company of everyone. Very successful night.
Saturday I ventured to an extremely busy Seoul Station to buy train tickets to go to Ulsan next weekend. Ulsan is about an hour north of Busan. It will take me about two hours to get their on the KTX train. I am going there for another birthday celebration for my friend Zach from John Carroll. There is going to be a party Friday and Saturday night which I am assuming will be priceless.
Zach is one of the guys who has loads of friends who absolutely cherish him!
I figured why not go and have a good time. Bought my tickets early so that at 7 pm next Friday I can hop on the subway to Seoul Station and roll on out :)
Saturday night I went out with my friend Aisling from Ireland and her two friends Kat and Lauren. We went and had dinner at a Thai and Vietnamese place. I had Seafood Pho Soup. It was delicious! I have not had Pho since I was in Vietnam with my parents in 2008. It brought me back to some fantastic memories. We then went to three bars in Sinchon (town over from me).
I am hoping maybe to visit Kat and Aisling up north where they are teaching for Chungdahm.
Only two more weeks until I have new kids! I will also probably be teaching different programs as well. Maybe listening and speaking classes. I am ready for a little change at school, some different kids to teach:)
Love to Everyone!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Seoul Light Festival
Wahoops! I have kind of neglected my blog for about a week. Sorry about that:(
Last week was good at school. The kids are doing alright and they are finished with their test. Now that they are finished with the test, I have to make sure they still work just as hard as before the test. Even though the test counts for a majority of whether or not they level up, their progress throughout the term and my comments are important as well.
This week I have to do report cards for each kid. It really does not take that long for most of the kids.
Some I have put various extra comments because they need a lot of improvement or comments saying they are the best in the class.
Yesterday I had quite the class. The middle school kids kept texting on their phones and one kid was reading a comic book. I finally took the book out of his hand and put the book on my desk. Sometimes I really wonder what they are thinking.
I mean I understand they already have a lot on their plate at their regular school, but seriously lets try a little bit to pay attention and maybe learn something.
My elementary kids are doing well though. If they get into trouble they don't continue to do what they were doing, which is refreshing!
I like the kids for the most part, however it will be nice to get new kids and to have a fresh start. Now I know what to really implement in the first three weeks. I will have to be strict for the first couple of weeks and then ease up. They need to know what they can and cannot do right away.
After being here for almost three months, I know now what my expectations are for the kids and how I want to approach them.
My weekend was a super R&R weekend. Friday night Racheal and I went on a major face-mask binge.
We went to this one popular drug store called "Watsons" and bought a bunch of face masks. I bought a few to help with my skin and other cleansing ones. They are good to have after a stressful day and a way to wind down.
Saturday I went to Myeong-Dong. I know you are probably thinking I go there all the time, but I really like it there.
It can be overwhelming though. I tend to make small trips instead of dealing with the crowds for six or seven hours.
I bought a warm coat, skirt, and a couple of sweaters. I was going to buy some warm fleece leggings, but I can buy them anywhere. They have snowflakes, reindeer, or different winter patterns on them. They will be super warm in the winter with boots.
Sunday night I went to City Hall which is about a ten minute subway ride from Hongdae. They were having the Seoul Light Festival. It is a huge light festival of around two-hundred separate lanterns all set up on the river. It is a ten day display marking the beginning of the G20. The G20 takes place this weekend in Gangnam, the financial district of Seoul.
Gangnam is where I trained for the first week and I have not been back. I am considering going there to check it out.
The light fest was spectacular and I will have to upload pictures. They had flags from all the countries and different blow up lanterns of the Christ the Redeemer Statue, Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, and the Leaning Tower of Piza all to represent the countries that are coming. I went with my roommate from training, Holly. We met up and strolled around the light fest and went to have dinner after. It was nice to hear her stories about the kids and the branch she works at.
I promise I will write more this week! Happy Daylight savings time:) Hope you enjoyed that extra hour!!!
Last week was good at school. The kids are doing alright and they are finished with their test. Now that they are finished with the test, I have to make sure they still work just as hard as before the test. Even though the test counts for a majority of whether or not they level up, their progress throughout the term and my comments are important as well.
This week I have to do report cards for each kid. It really does not take that long for most of the kids.
Some I have put various extra comments because they need a lot of improvement or comments saying they are the best in the class.
Yesterday I had quite the class. The middle school kids kept texting on their phones and one kid was reading a comic book. I finally took the book out of his hand and put the book on my desk. Sometimes I really wonder what they are thinking.
I mean I understand they already have a lot on their plate at their regular school, but seriously lets try a little bit to pay attention and maybe learn something.
My elementary kids are doing well though. If they get into trouble they don't continue to do what they were doing, which is refreshing!
I like the kids for the most part, however it will be nice to get new kids and to have a fresh start. Now I know what to really implement in the first three weeks. I will have to be strict for the first couple of weeks and then ease up. They need to know what they can and cannot do right away.
After being here for almost three months, I know now what my expectations are for the kids and how I want to approach them.
My weekend was a super R&R weekend. Friday night Racheal and I went on a major face-mask binge.
We went to this one popular drug store called "Watsons" and bought a bunch of face masks. I bought a few to help with my skin and other cleansing ones. They are good to have after a stressful day and a way to wind down.
Saturday I went to Myeong-Dong. I know you are probably thinking I go there all the time, but I really like it there.
It can be overwhelming though. I tend to make small trips instead of dealing with the crowds for six or seven hours.
I bought a warm coat, skirt, and a couple of sweaters. I was going to buy some warm fleece leggings, but I can buy them anywhere. They have snowflakes, reindeer, or different winter patterns on them. They will be super warm in the winter with boots.
Sunday night I went to City Hall which is about a ten minute subway ride from Hongdae. They were having the Seoul Light Festival. It is a huge light festival of around two-hundred separate lanterns all set up on the river. It is a ten day display marking the beginning of the G20. The G20 takes place this weekend in Gangnam, the financial district of Seoul.
Gangnam is where I trained for the first week and I have not been back. I am considering going there to check it out.
The light fest was spectacular and I will have to upload pictures. They had flags from all the countries and different blow up lanterns of the Christ the Redeemer Statue, Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, and the Leaning Tower of Piza all to represent the countries that are coming. I went with my roommate from training, Holly. We met up and strolled around the light fest and went to have dinner after. It was nice to hear her stories about the kids and the branch she works at.
I promise I will write more this week! Happy Daylight savings time:) Hope you enjoyed that extra hour!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Silent Disco?
Welcome to November my friends, welcome.
November is such a great month. Usually it is not extremely cold and you can enjoy the fall weather.
I hope that is how it will be here as well.
Well this is the week where all the kids take their Achievement Level-Up Test!
This term I am not administering the test because only the listening-speaking teachers are giving it to them.
I will get a listening class sometime in my year here, but not this time.
The kids are extremely nervous!!! They get nervous for a little test, that I cannot imagine what is going on in their head for this huge test.
On Friday, the head listening instructor/head of the program had a meeting for the new listening instructors on how to administer the test. I came to the meeting too because I am a new instructor who needs to know about the test.
I was able to get a peak at the test my kids will be taking. Lets just say it is no "cake-walk."
There were four sections, writing, reading, listening, speaking.
I remember doing the speaking session back in high school for spanish and it was nerve-wracking.
There is definitely a lot of pressure on these kids here in South Korea to do well.
I just have to remember, compassion for them and passion for teaching.
I had a fun weekend! I rested up on Friday so that I could party for Halloween on Saturday!!
Saturday I walked everywhere because it was a gorgeous day. I was in and out of little boutique stores and just gazed at some things. Saturday night I met up with my friend Aisling from training. She brought two of her friends with her as well.
We went to a little park by my house where they were having this thing called "silent disco."
We grabbed a pair of headphones they were handing out and there was techno-electronic music playing. They had a DJ playing the music and there were at least a hundred people dancing to the music only coming out of the headphones. If you took the headphones off, everyone looked like idiots because there was no music playing outside on speakers and everyone was dancing.
We were dancing with Koreans and some other foreigners as well. It was wonderful to dance and just laugh at how silly everyone looked!
I kept thinking to myself, I don't think I have had this much fun in a long time!
After dancing for a couple of hours, we went to a couple clubs and danced some more!
A good number of people were dresses up for halloween, but nothing like you would see in the United States.
We also did a count-down until Halloween. I felt as if it was New Years!
Sunday Racheal and I went to Myeong-Dong, the shopping district of Seoul. We didn't end up buying any clothes but had a delicious Korean lunch! I had kimchi soup:) It was spicyyy but soooooo delicious!!!
Now this week I have to get my kids focused on the last couple of weeks. I am trying to give them some tips for the test they take this week and of course handing out more candy! They eat chocolate like you have never seen. Yesterday I saw a kids stuff three little bars of chocolate into his mouth. "I'm like woah woah woah, settle down there, don't get too crazy!"
That is all I can think of for now, but there will be more stories this week!!!
xoxo Kristen
November is such a great month. Usually it is not extremely cold and you can enjoy the fall weather.
I hope that is how it will be here as well.
Well this is the week where all the kids take their Achievement Level-Up Test!
This term I am not administering the test because only the listening-speaking teachers are giving it to them.
I will get a listening class sometime in my year here, but not this time.
The kids are extremely nervous!!! They get nervous for a little test, that I cannot imagine what is going on in their head for this huge test.
On Friday, the head listening instructor/head of the program had a meeting for the new listening instructors on how to administer the test. I came to the meeting too because I am a new instructor who needs to know about the test.
I was able to get a peak at the test my kids will be taking. Lets just say it is no "cake-walk."
There were four sections, writing, reading, listening, speaking.
I remember doing the speaking session back in high school for spanish and it was nerve-wracking.
There is definitely a lot of pressure on these kids here in South Korea to do well.
I just have to remember, compassion for them and passion for teaching.
I had a fun weekend! I rested up on Friday so that I could party for Halloween on Saturday!!
Saturday I walked everywhere because it was a gorgeous day. I was in and out of little boutique stores and just gazed at some things. Saturday night I met up with my friend Aisling from training. She brought two of her friends with her as well.
We went to a little park by my house where they were having this thing called "silent disco."
We grabbed a pair of headphones they were handing out and there was techno-electronic music playing. They had a DJ playing the music and there were at least a hundred people dancing to the music only coming out of the headphones. If you took the headphones off, everyone looked like idiots because there was no music playing outside on speakers and everyone was dancing.
We were dancing with Koreans and some other foreigners as well. It was wonderful to dance and just laugh at how silly everyone looked!
I kept thinking to myself, I don't think I have had this much fun in a long time!
After dancing for a couple of hours, we went to a couple clubs and danced some more!
A good number of people were dresses up for halloween, but nothing like you would see in the United States.
We also did a count-down until Halloween. I felt as if it was New Years!
Sunday Racheal and I went to Myeong-Dong, the shopping district of Seoul. We didn't end up buying any clothes but had a delicious Korean lunch! I had kimchi soup:) It was spicyyy but soooooo delicious!!!
Now this week I have to get my kids focused on the last couple of weeks. I am trying to give them some tips for the test they take this week and of course handing out more candy! They eat chocolate like you have never seen. Yesterday I saw a kids stuff three little bars of chocolate into his mouth. "I'm like woah woah woah, settle down there, don't get too crazy!"
That is all I can think of for now, but there will be more stories this week!!!
xoxo Kristen
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